By Brenna C. Cronin
“To love our city is to love every community and neighborhood that belongs to her.
We know that there is no right or perfect way to confront inequity… but we are willing
to take risks and become the accomplice Chicago’s many communities deserve.
Injustice impacts all of us… and there is too much at stake not to take action.”
—Kristin Larsen, Executive Director
My approach to finding a summer fellowship came from a lot of discernment about where my MSLCE learnings could be best amplified. As a Chicago native committed to the mentality that “Midwest is Best”, finding a fellowship in Chicago was important to me. Knowing that I was looking for something more tailored than a general internship, I sought out organizations that could provide specific experiences in Development and Nonprofit Leadership, my two focus areas. After an email to the Arts & Business Council, it appeared to be a perfect match. What I would learn about A&BC’s work would defy all expectations and provide an experience that felt meant-to-be. (more…)