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Tag: Gail Berger

Students Explore Leadership Styles in Leading Creative Teams

By Nick Roman Intelligence quotient (IQ) is always a hot topic of conversation surrounding academic pioneers of society. Heroes of groundbreaking discoveries historically have had a high IQ, but what about their emotional quotient (EQ) or emotional intelligence? Research shows that those with a high EQ tend to be successful leaders in their respective sectors.

MSLCE Students Challenged to Collaborate in Teamwork Seminar

By Joe Giovannetti Just one day after orientation, 35 eager students arrived on campus for their first full-day professional seminar.  None expected the diverse challenges that the day would bring. On Oct. 2, Gail Berger, Assistant Professor of Instruction from the McCormick School of Engineering, led the MSLCE cohort in a Professional Teamwork Seminar. The workshop was designed

MSLCE Professor Building an App to Give and Get Feedback

Today, we continue our feature where we ask an MSLCE professor three questions about the creative field they work in. Below is a conversation with Gail Berger, Assistant Professor of Instruction at Kellogg, McCormick, and the School of Education and Social Policy, about building apps, giving and getting feedback, and becoming an effective team leader. Can you briefly describe