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Yuhan Liu

Yuhan Liu
B.A., Economics, University of International Business and Economics

Area(s) of Interest

Music, TV/Film, Visual Arts, Photography, Video/Digital Media, Arts/Music Festivals, Entrepreneurship, PR/Marketing,Gaming

What are 1-2 of your most significant academic/extracurricular/work experiences?

Academic: finalist award for the Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling; Extracurricular: Director of six micro-movies

What is your ideal job/role in about 10 years?

A producer for film studios or a manager for an entertainment company

What led you to enroll in the MSLCE program at Northwestern?

Strong interest in film and television area, and great passion for the combination of creativity and business.

Favorite (song/movie/podcast/show/festival/exhibition…)

Cinema Paradiso

What aspect of the MSLCE program are you most excited to experience? (i.e. specific class, site visit, IDEA fund, internship, etc.)

The economics in creative industries class, and the classmates I’ll met in this entire university