Crystal Zhu
B.F.A., Communication Arts, Otis College of Art and Design
Area(s) of Interest: Visual Arts, Fine Arts, Arts/Music Festivals, Nonprofit Work, Entrepreneurship, PR/Marketing
What are 1-2 of your most significant academic/extracurricular/work experiences? Art Gallery Intern; Designer Assistant; Marketing Assistant
What is your ideal job/role in about 10 years? Art Education/Promoting the collaboration between brands and art institutions
What led you to enroll in the MSLCE program at Northwestern? Diverse elective courses; Courses correspond to my interests
What aspect of the MSLCE program are you most excited to experience? (i.e. specific class, site visit, IDEA fund, internship, etc.) Site visit (Art Museum/Gallery); Internship; Class (Brand Management; Nonprofit Organization; Marketing)
If you could donate one million dollars, which cause/organization would you choose to support? Nonprofit Art Fund / Cultural Heritage Organization
If you had to describe yourself in three words, they would be… Inclusive/Miscellaneous/Positive