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Sally Rubin

Sally Rubin
B.S., Radio, TV, Film/English & Textual Studies, Syracuse University

Area(s) of Interest: TV/Film, Visual Arts, Performing Arts, Video/Digital Media, Arts/Music Festivals, Entrepreneurship, Nonprofit work

What are 1-2 of your most significant academic/extracurricular/work experiences? Short film “Pinky String” showing at Edinburgh Festival Fringe; Web Series “The Anti-Bullying Defense League” premiering at The Chinese Theatre in LA

What is your ideal job/role in about 10 years? Showrunner and producer of my own children’s cartoon

What led you to enroll in the MSLCE program at Northwestern? The world of children’s media is heavily tied into gaming, clothing, and toy industries, so I wanted to understand the economics and legalities of creative businesses.

What aspect of the MSLCE program are you most excited to experience? (i.e. specific class, site visit, IDEA fund, internship, etc.) New Media Production Management and The Power of Strategic Storytelling

If you could have lunch with one person (living or dead), who would it be? And why? Joan Ganz Cooney, the woman who created “Sesame Street”. Sesame Street revolutionized the way children see themselves on television and constantly adapts to the needs of its demographic. I would love to hear her inspiration and the work/research that went into pitching and developing the show.

Which leader or influential figure inspires you the most and why? As cheesy as it might be, it would probably have to be Taylor Swift. Growing up with an artist who makes history across audio and visual media while staying true to her fan-base, being extremely charitable, and even making history with campaigning for young voter turnout makes me want to be a better person and artist every day.

If you could donate one million dollars, which cause/organization would you choose to support? I would donate one million dollars to SeriousFun Children’s Network, an international network of summer camps for children with serious and life-threatening illnesses. I worked at their California camp for two years and would do anything to provide a safe and positive experience for those kids.