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Michael Hung

Michael Hung
B.S., Advertising Management, Michigan State University

Area(s) of Interest: Music, TV/Film, Nonprofit Work, Entrepreneurship, Gaming

What are 1-2 of your most significant academic/extracurricular/work experiences? Represented a company in different exhibitions, located in Taipei, Munich, Portland

What is your ideal job/role in about 10 years? Event planner

What led you to enroll in the MSLCE program at Northwestern? The courses offered by this program are very attractive to me

What aspect of the MSLCE program are you most excited to experience? Marketing Strategies in Creative Industries

Favorite media? My favorite song right now is Whiplash by Aespa

If you could have lunch with one person (living or dead), who would it be? And why? I would have lunch with Kevin Feige because Marvel has made some of my favorite movies and I wanted to understand how he built this new empire.

What award would you most like to win? Eventex Awards