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Jewel Garcia

Jewel Garcia
B.A., Creative Writing, Digital Media, Valparaiso University
M.S., Communication, Northwestern University

Area(s) of Interest

TV/Film, Video/Digital Media, Entrepreneurship

What are 1-2 of your most significant academic/extracurricular/work experiences?

Interning at IFA Chicago

What is your ideal job/role in about 10 years?

Running my own successful independent film production company.

What led you to enroll in the MSLCE program at Northwestern?

It’s discipline and inactive approach and track record of helping students start there own business.

Favorite (song/movie/podcast/show/festival/exhibition…)

The Secret of Roan Inish

What aspect of the MSLCE program are you most excited to experience? (i.e. specific class, site visit, IDEA fund, internship, etc.)

Professional Development opportunities

If you could have lunch with one person (living or dead), who would it be? And why?

My abuelita because she gives me strength, I did not know her enough, and I miss her.

What award would you most like to win?

An Academy Award

If you had to describe yourself in three words, they would be…

Filmmaker, Leader, Aguantar