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Gemma Sun

Gemma Sun
B.A., Economics; B.S., Quantitative Science, Emory University

Area(s) of Interest: Music, Performing Arts, Arts/Music Festivals, PR/Marketing

What is your ideal job/role in about 10 years? Marketing director at a record label company; management at entertainment companies

What led you to enroll in the MSLCE program at Northwestern? A specific focus on the creative arts industries, notable alumni connections and opportunities in Chicago

What aspect of the MSLCE program are you most excited to experience? (i.e. specific class, site visit, IDEA fund, internship, etc.) Marketing Strategies in Creative Industries, Internships

If you could donate one million dollars, which cause/organization would you choose to support?  Anxiety and Depression Association of America

If you had to describe yourself in three words, they would be… Adventurous, Musical, Optimistic

Favorite piece of media? I’m Not Okay by My Chemical Romance

Where are you from? Nanjing, China