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Natalie Agbele Wants to Be a Digital Media Entrepreneur

By Jacob Nelson

After years studying economics and finance, Natalie Agbele realized that she did not want to professionally pursue either of those subject for the rest of her life.

“My dad is an accountant, so I thought I’d be one as well,” the MSLCE student said recently. “But I don’t want to do finance… I’m going into the creative industries.”

Agbele is unsure which creative industry she’d like to focus on, which is one of the reasons why MSLCE so appealed to her.

“MSLCE covers everything related to the creative industries,” she said.

She’s currently interested in new media, specifically digital media platforms. Though she’s had little hands-on experience in creative spaces, she’s had important leadership roles that have equipped her with the skills necessary to oversee organizations. As the treasurer of the Afro-Caribbean Society while an undergraduate at Newcastle University in the UK, she was able to put her finance knowledge to good use, and see how understandings of business can come in handy outside the classroom.

“I’ve always been a leader,” Agbele said. And now, she wants to be an entrepreneur.

“I want to create something in the digital media space,” she said. “something that is very essential to people.”

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