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New MSLCE Student Makes the Jump from Finance to Art

He, Chen HeadshotBy Jacob Nelson

Kiko He majored in finance and then spent a few years working in the finance industry before she realized that she was much more interested in oil paintings and photography than she was in investment banking and public equity.

So she decided to make a change.

Now, the Shenzhen, China native is beginning a new chapter of her life by enrolling in the MSLCE program, which she hopes will equip her with the skills necessary to start her own art investment company.

It’s an unsurprising pivot considering He is someone who is drawn to the phrase, “Don’t stay in your comfort zone, do what you fear and learn from it.”

“After working for almost three years, I still think I’d like to get involved in art,” He said about how she decided to make the career change. “Finance was just not that interesting, so I want to try to see if I can do something else.”

He is interested in working in the art investment world because it would fuse her expertise with her passion.

“Art investment companies invest in a painter and buy out all his paintings and then hold exhibitions for the painter and find buyers or investors that they’re interested in and wait for the value of the painting to go up,” He explained. “It connects art to finance.”

She is looking forward to MSLCE courses teaching her more about how the art world works, since her background has already given her a strong understanding of finance.

“I’m hoping to learn some arts management skills,” she said. “I have to have art industry knowledge and know how the companies in this field work.”

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