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Jordan Braun

Jordan Braun
BFA in Theater Design and Production, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Area(s) of Interest: Music, Performing arts, Theatre, Video/digital media, Nonprofit work

Experience: Stage managing for Arts Power, a theater company geared towards young audiences. This involved driving a 15-passenger cargo van all around the country, performing in everything from “cafetoriums” to giant opera houses. Being on stage directing staff at the Lyric Opera of Chicago.

Ideal job in 10 Years: Performing Arts Administrator

What led you to enroll in the MSLCE program at Northwestern? I want to “level up” on my career as an opera maker, while learning new methods of leading and innovating. I’m excited to be surrounded by other creative folks who are passionate about what they do.

If you could have lunch with anyone person (living or dead) who would it be? Federico Fellini, because he’s a genius and I bet this food would be fantastic.

Where are you from? Beverly Hills, MI (USA)