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Tag: Organizational Processes

New Lessons in Familiar Packaging: Organizational Processes in Creative Enterprises

By Tom Wall It’s something completely new wrapped in something familiar. In so many ways, Pablo Boczkowski’s Organizational Processes in Creative Enterprises course was unlike anything I had ever experienced in the classroom before. While I knew nothing about the three lenses approach to analyzing companies, heuristics and decision-making biases, or the pros and cons

MSLCE Students Analyze ‘The Lion King’ and Michelin Star Restaurants in Organizational Processes Course

By Nick Roman Disney, Lululemon, Yahoo, and Michelin star restaurants all offer products familiar to most of today’s consumers, but MSLCE students got an even closer look into these well-known brands this fall through Pablo Boczkowski’s Organizational Processes course. Students examined the structure and function of various companies through three lenses: the strategic design, political,

Students Learn About Organizational Processes from MSLCE Faculty Director

By John Hounihan For ten weeks in Pablo Boczkowski’s course we talked about lenses. To a fly on the wall, we could be optometry PhD candidates with all our talk of lenses, led by the MSLCE Faculty Director and Northwestern School of Communication Professor. However, the lenses we focused on were figurative, and what we really