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Tag: Dominique Warren

MSLCE Students Learn the ‘Power of Pitching’ in Laverne McKinnon’s Course

By Dominique Warren From the first day of The Power of Pitching class, Professor Laverne McKinnon challenged MSLCE students to rethink “pitching” as a match to be made, not a prize to be won.  Ultimately, students learned that the most important element of a pitch is the person delivering it. People invest in other people

Dominique Warren Aspires To Be Both Actress And Entrepreneur

By Jacob Nelson Dominique Warren originally hoped to work in theatre, but now is pursuing a career in film. The reason? Close-ups. “Theatre is different each night, but in film they capture that moment up close,” the new MSLCE student said during a recent interview. “Film is more intimate because the audience is the camera.