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Tag: Claudia Encinas

Economics for Creatives

By Claudia Encinas There seems to be a rumour going around that creative minds and numbers don’t mix, and we are therefore afraid to even think about financial aspect of our various pursuits. Professor Cory Sandrock, however, proved to us that that isn’t always the case during his Economics of Creative Enterprises course for the

Leaders Rising, Dispatches from the SphinxConnect Conference

By Claudia Encinas As MSLCE students, we often have the opportunity to dive deeply into the inner workings of many different arts organizations. We look at them through various lenses and strive to understand how and why they achieve success (or don’t).

Claudia Encinas Wants to Modernize Classical Music

By Miya Williams Fayne Claudia Encinas grew up in a musical family. Both of her parents are classical musicians and she often attended their concerts and spent time backstage during rehearsals. “Music was and is my entire world since birth,” she said.